file Taste of Vitae and superior Telepathic Tracking

11 Apr 2022 17:10 - 11 Apr 2022 17:11 #104994 by Ankha

Can Taste of Vitae be played after superior Telepathic Tracking has been played?

Can superior Telepathic Tracking be played before Taste of Vitae is played?

Both are the same question. And the answer was already provided ("yes").

If it isn´t please explain the logic of how it can be considered the "same timing window"?

The press step determines if another round of combat would occur, or if the combat would end.
Once the press step is over, we get that piece of information, that is during the "end of round" step (which is the following step).

During the end of round step, you can play Taste of Vitae (cardtext) and/or Telepathic Tracking since the combat "would end" because no other effect makes it continue.
Please note that the new round is queued the same way it would be queued due to an uncancelled press to continue.

Prince of Paris, France
Ratings Coordinator, Rules Director
Last edit: 11 Apr 2022 17:11 by Ankha.

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11 Apr 2022 21:54 #104998 by inm8

Can Taste of Vitae be played after superior Telepathic Tracking has been played?

Can superior Telepathic Tracking be played before Taste of Vitae is played?

Both are the same question. And the answer was already provided ("yes").

You are right, they are the same....haha...I messed up one of the was to be the opposite order of course

It should have said:
Can superior Telepathic Tracking be played after Taste of Vitae has been 

If it isn´t please explain the logic of how it can be considered the "same timing window"?

The press step determines if another round of combat would occur, or if the combat would end.
Once the press step is over, we get that piece of information, that is during the "end of round" step (which is the following step).

During the end of round step, you can play Taste of Vitae (cardtext) and/or Telepathic Tracking since the combat "would end" because no other effect makes it continue.
Please note that the new round is queued the same way it would be queued due to an uncancelled press to continue.

The way I´m reading the text of TT (note that English isn´t my native language)

Only usable if both combatants are still ready and combat would end. 
Instead, start a new round.

the text portion "combat would end" refers to the event of the combat ending and not to the point in time when the conclusion of whether the combat will continue or not is reached.

The reason for me reading it as per above is because normally all card effects are to be resolved immediately with the exception of actions, strikes, and effects that explicitly state a delay or when it resolves... which the text of TT doesn´t do...the text portion "Instead, start a new round." is a replacement effect which to me only seems natural and logical if resolving immediately that one would be in/at the "Combat Ends" step replacing it with "starting a new round instead".

Another reason for my reasoning is that the word "would" at times is used when being at the step as an interruption...I'm thinking of Left for Dead "Only usable when an ally would be burned in combat." which if I'm not mistaken the "burning" is supposed to be the immediate result (that is interrupted) when taking an ally to zero life

Similarly, Spying Mission,

The text of Left for Dead used to be "as an ally is burned", and the rewording to "would be burned" resulted in the timing of it being moved to be slightly earlier to not be able to trigger both it and FBI.

Psyche! is a confusing one as it is both "at the end of a round" and "combat is about to end", at least both of them are after "would end" placing Telepathic Tracking as ruled before it

The above is what makes me think that "would" comes before "is about to" which comes before "at the end" and clearly "Round Ends" is before "Combat Ends"

Please explain how come there is a difference made when it comes to "would end" and "is about to end" (TT vs Psyche!) but not between "would end" and "at the end" (TT vs ToV)?

Left for Dead

Spying Mission


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12 Apr 2022 12:45 #105000 by Ankha

Can Taste of Vitae be played after superior Telepathic Tracking has been played?

Can superior Telepathic Tracking be played before Taste of Vitae is played?

Both are the same question. And the answer was already provided ("yes").

You are right, they are the same....haha...I messed up one of the was to be the opposite order of course

It should have said:
Can superior Telepathic Tracking be played after Taste of Vitae has been 


If it isn´t please explain the logic of how it can be considered the "same timing window"?

The press step determines if another round of combat would occur, or if the combat would end.
Once the press step is over, we get that piece of information, that is during the "end of round" step (which is the following step).

During the end of round step, you can play Taste of Vitae (cardtext) and/or Telepathic Tracking since the combat "would end" because no other effect makes it continue.
Please note that the new round is queued the same way it would be queued due to an uncancelled press to continue.

The way I´m reading the text of TT (note that English isn´t my native language)

Only usable if both combatants are still ready and combat would end. 
Instead, start a new round.

the text portion "combat would end" refers to the event of the combat ending and not to the point in time when the conclusion of whether the combat will continue or not is reached.

Ask yourself: "would the combat end now that noone presses to continue?" since the answer is "yes", you can play TT.

The reason for me reading it as per above is because normally all card effects are to be resolved immediately with the exception of actions, strikes, and effects that explicitly state a delay or when it resolves... which the text of TT doesn´t do...the text portion "Instead, start a new round." is a replacement effect which to me only seems natural and logical if resolving immediately that one would be in/at the "Combat Ends" step replacing it with "starting a new round instead".

I agree it can be disturbing since the card resolves immediately by "queing" a new round. I pondered using "queue a new round instead", but it would mean introducing a new term in the rulebook ("queuing rounds / queuing combats"). But maybe it would be better.

Another reason for my reasoning is that the word "would" at times is used when being at the step as an interruption...I'm thinking of Left for Dead "Only usable when an ally would be burned in combat." which if I'm not mistaken the "burning" is supposed to be the immediate result (that is interrupted) when taking an ally to zero life

"would... instead" denotes only a replacement effect, it's not necessarily interrupting anything (eg., Visit from the Capuchin "Each time you would replace a card other than this card, instead burn 1 counter from this card.")

The above is what makes me think that "would" comes before "is about to"

Correct. "is about to" applies to effect that are no longer subject to replacement effects (because everyone declined to play such an effect).
That is why TT must be played first, and if not, Psyche! can be played (because the combat is effectively going to end).

which comes before "at the end" and clearly "Round Ends" is before "Combat Ends"

The "end of round" is the name of a combat step, it could be called "gong" or anything else that does not contain the word "end".

Prince of Paris, France
Ratings Coordinator, Rules Director

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12 Apr 2022 13:06 - 12 Apr 2022 13:09 #105001 by Bloodartist

Ask yourself: "would the combat end now that noone presses to continue?" since the answer is "yes", you can play TT.

A problem is that the rules don't explicitly define when does the transition occur. If its not clearly defined, people get differing ideas and play according to them. It is natural to think (in my opinion) that if both players have declined a press to continue, then we move to next stage, the end of combat. This is however not defined in the rulebook.

Some players have had different ideas and think that they can still play cards in that step even if both players have already passed.There was argument the past week on discord about this. There are also the tricky cards that let players act on a different players turn ( madness network, enkil cog, etc)

My point; things like this need to be clearly defined in the rules, because one players "obvious" is different from another player's.

A heretic is a man who sees with his own eyes.
—Gotthold Ephraim Lessing

Last edit: 12 Apr 2022 13:09 by Bloodartist.

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13 Apr 2022 12:04 #105005 by Ankha

Ask yourself: "would the combat end now that noone presses to continue?" since the answer is "yes", you can play TT.

A problem is that the rules don't explicitly define when does the transition occur. If its not clearly defined, people get differing ideas and play according to them. It is natural to think (in my opinion) that if both players have declined a press to continue, then we move to next stage, the end of combat. This is however not defined in the rulebook.

Indeed, the rulebook says that the next step is "end of round", not "end of combat".
I don't know if it seems natural, but the rulebook is pretty clear on that point.

Some players have had different ideas and think that they can still play cards in that step even if both players have already passed.

Which step? "end of combat" step does not exist. During the "end of round", players can play cards according to the impulse rule.

There was argument the past week on discord about this. There are also the tricky cards that let players act on a different players turn ( madness network, enkil cog, etc)

Those have nothing to do with combat, I sense confusion here about the impulse, not the end of round step.

My point; things like this need to be clearly defined in the rules, because one players "obvious" is different from another player's.

The rulebook is quite clear about the steps.
Perhaps a paragraph about "starting a new round/combat" could be helpful.

Prince of Paris, France
Ratings Coordinator, Rules Director

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15 Apr 2022 07:08 - 15 Apr 2022 07:08 #105008 by inm8

Ask yourself: "would the combat end now that noone presses to continue?" since the answer is "yes", you can play TT.

A problem is that the rules don't explicitly define when does the transition occur. If its not clearly defined, people get differing ideas and play according to them. It is natural to think (in my opinion) that if both players have declined a press to continue, then we move to next stage, the end of combat. This is however not defined in the rulebook.

Some players have had different ideas and think that they can still play cards in that step even if both players have already passed.There was argument the past week on discord about this. There are also the tricky cards that let players act on a different players turn ( madness network, enkil cog, etc)

My point; things like this need to be clearly defined in the rules, because one players "obvious" is different from another player's.

Seems to be a different topic about the fact that some people incorrectly think that the acting player is the one that decides when things move on to the next step e.g. that the acting player has to say the press step is over even though both players passed consecutively...which is wrong

Wouldn´t hurt if the rulebook did a better job in explaining how the priority/impulse system works.
Last edit: 15 Apr 2022 07:08 by inm8.

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