Receiving event reports in a correct and timely manner is fundamental to accurate and up-to-date V:EKN ratings. Tournament organizers must follow the rules outlined in this section when reporting their events.


9.1. Organizer Records

Tournament organizers are required to keep copies of all tournament reports for V:EKN-sanctioned events they run for a period of one year. These records serve as backups in case event results are lost.


9.2. Event Report Deadline

Event reports are due to the V:EKN within eight days of the tournament's conclusion. Tournament reports not received by the V:EKN within eight days are considered late, and are listed in the V:EKN tournament database as "Not Received" for fourteen days after the event.


9.3. Delinquent Tournaments

Event reports must be received by the V:EKN within thirty days of the tournament's conclusion. Event reports not received within fifteen to thirty days are listed as "Delinquent" in the V:EKN tournament database. Organizers may still submit event results in this time frame without penalty.


9.4. Invalid Tournaments

Players' game records at events that become invalid will not count toward their V:EKN ratings and rankings.

The V:EKN reserves the right to invalidate reported results of any sanctioned tournament for any reason, but will usually do so only when fraudulent or incorrect results are reported by the organizer. Additionally, the V:EKN reserves the right to invalidate any event reports not received within thirty days of the tournament date.


9.5. Event Status Updates

Tournament organizers and players may check on an event's reporting status by visiting the V:EKN website. If an organizer's event appears as "Delinquent" or "Invalid" on this report two months in a row, the V:EKN will investigate the organizer's reporting history and issue sanctioning penalties as appropriate.

The V:EKN reserves the right to adjust penalties on an individual basis due to extenuating circumstances and it reserves the right to change this policy without notice.


9.6. Mandatory V:EKN Numbers

All tournament participants must be assigned a V:EKN membership number prior to participating in a sanctioned tournament. Results reported with temporary player numbers, player names, or placeholders will not be included in the V:EKN ratings.


9.7. Tournament Reports and Event Invitation Lists

Tournament reports must be received by the deadlines specified in the Ratings Deadline and Publication Schedules provided on the V:EKN website. in order to be included in the ratings calculations used to generate invitation and bye lists (if any) for premier events.


9.8. Non-Open V:TES Events

Non-open V:TES events are held in the following manner:

  • The event coordinator outlines the qualification process and number of qualifying tournaments in a message to orgplay@blackchantry for approval.
  • Qualifiers are handled just like regular tournaments for sanctioning, prize support, etc., and are open to all players.
  • The non-open event is sanctioned and receives prize support (possibly different than usual prize support) independently through direct correspondence with orgplay@blackchantry.