Greetings fellow Methuselah
Do you feel the tickling winds of inspiration? The rumors of Gehenna were just rumors. There is new material out there, and new opportunities arise. Old players are slowly crawling out from their crypts, overwhelmed by an urge to once again battle for influence and pride. And also new bloods are rising an eyebrow – what is this twitch they all feel, this sudden lust for power?
Recently three rules changes and five card errata were announced that will take effect June 09 2018. The official Rules Team announcement by V:EKN Rules Director Vincent “Ankha” Ripoll can be found here (including some helpful examples):
… but for your convenience there are also the PDF sheet you can download by clicking here or the image above. Nail it in eye-level on the inside of your coffins!
Feel free to ask questions about the changes. The best way to do this is to post a topic about the specific rule on the forum, under “Rules Questions”.
Following last month's announcement of Black Chantry Productions existence the company has published three products available on
- Lost Kindred bundle
- Keepers of Tradition Reprint Bundle 1
- Keepers of Tradition Reprint Bundle 2
Previews of the Lost Kindred cards have been shown in five articles, one each for the five featured bloodlines:
- Lost Kindred: Samedi
- Lost Kindred: Harbingers of Skulls
- Lost Kindred: Blood Brothers
- Lost Kindred: Salubri antitribu (The top image in this newsletter is from the crypt card Nuriel, art by Christopher Shy.)
- Lost Kindred: Gargoyles
Black Chantry also attended PDXCON, a convention in Stockholm, Sweden hosted by White Wolf's mother company Paradox Interactive, to demo VTES. Many were interested in the game, which was displayed alongside White Wolf's soon to be released Vampire: The Masquerade Fifth Edition and Paradox brand new surprise Crusader Kings: The Board Game.
Black Chantry also published a FAQ with 26 questions and answers about their views on and plans for VTES.
Please contact Black Chantry by e-mail, Facebook or Twitter.
Two tournaments were played at VEG Ibérico España 2018 in Alcalá de Henares, near Madrid, Spain on April 28-29.
51 players participated in the actual Grand Prix tournament on Saturday, and 28 players attended the Sunday multideck tournament.
The smaller tournament was played over three rounds, each with a different deck. The winner was the one with most points – congratulations François Greiner (FRA) for that feat!
As for the main event, the final table was: Miguel Ángel Ranz (ESP) playing Gangrel Stanislava Mind rape > Raúl Olvera (ESP) playing Assamite Black Hand bleed > Jehú Sagardoy (ESP) playing Inner Circle Alastor vote/rush > Jorge Blanco (ESP) playing Gangrel Stanislava classic vote/bleed > Alain Greiner (FRA) playing !Tremere Nephandi.
Congratulations Raúl Olvera, winner with 4 vp! Raúl's tournament winning deck looks like this:
3 Djuhah, The Bronze Bow
3 Izhim abd Azrael
1 Joe 'Boot' Hill
3 Karif al Numair
1 Nizzam al-Latif
1 Reza Fatir, The Dark Angel
3 Dreams of the Sphinx
1 Drop Point Network
1 Giant's Blood
1 Information Highway
1 Pentex(TM) Subversion
2 Watchtower: The Wolves Feed
1 Weeping Stone
5 Villein
1 Yoruba Shrine
3 Condemn the Sins of the Father
5 Haqim's Law: Leadership
2 Khabar: Glory
11 Loss
3 Recruitment Exercise
10 Reunion Kamut
4 Tattoo Signal
1 Guarded Rubrics
1 J. S. Simmons, Esq.
1 Sargon Fragment, The
6 Art of Memory, The
3 Blood Awakening
5 Deed the Heart's Desire
2 Elder Impersonation
1 Faceless Night
4 Lost in Crowds
5 Seraph's Second
3 Swallowed by the Night
1 Break the Code
1 Fourth Cycle, The
1 Thirst
For a bit more information and more photos from this event, check out the official Facebook page.
The VEG tournaments are sponsored by Ultra Pro.
38 players gathered for VEG Hungary in Budapest on April 28-29. On Saturday a smaller non-official tournament in the very interesting format “Dragon Breath Rounds” was played, with three rounds but only 60 minute time limit. No details about the results, but it sure sounds different and fun!
On Sunday the main event was played. After the first three rounds the standing was:
Martin Weinmayer (AUT) 3 gw 10 vp
Gábor Endler (HUN) 2 gw 9 vp
Dávid Farkas (HUN) 2 gw 7 vp
Norbert Broda (HUN) 1 gw 7 vp
Lajos Székely (HUN) 1 gw 5,5 vp
The seating for the final was: Dávid Farkas playing Akunanse & Fakir rush/wall > Norbert Broda playing Followers of Set with fortitude vote/bleed > Martin Weinmeyer playing Gangrel Stanislava vote/bleed > Gábor Endler playing Kiasyd stealth-bleed > Lajos Székely playing Osebo bigcaps Nana Buruku potence rush.
Congratulations to Dávid Farkas who won the final with 3 vp, over Martins 2 vp.
Dávid's tournament winning deck:
2x Amavi
2x Fakir al Sidi
2x Jubal
2x Matata
2x Sanjo
2x Uchenna
1x Archon Investigation
3x Dreams of the Sphinx
1x Giant's Blood
1x Guardian Angel
1x Mapatano Utando
1x Pentex(TM) Subversion
1x Powerbase: Luanda
1x Powerbase: Montreal
1x The Rack
2x Vessel
5x Villein
1x WMRH Talk Radio
1x Army of Rats
8x Deep Song
1x Well-Marked
1x Mr. Winthrop
3x Raven Spy
1x Reliquary: Akunanse Remains
1x Shaman
4x Freak Drive
3x Predator's Mastery
1x Canine Horde
7x Carrion Crows
4x Hidden Strength
7x Invoking the Beast
3x Rolling with the Punches
2x Soak
7x Taste of Vitae
5x Cats' Guidance
6x Predator's Communion
6x Sense the Savage Way
For more information about this event, check out the official web site.
The VEG tournaments are sponsored by Ultra Pro.
The Brazilian National Championship was played April 29 in São Paulo. 27 players attended.
Standings after rounds 3 was:
Mauro A. Dias 2 gw 8 vp
Fernanda Nunes 2 gw 7 vp
Elzo Benzaquen 2 gw 5.5 vp
Màrcio Pinheiro 1 gw 5.5 vp
Delmar Sittoni 1 gw 5.5 vp
Congratulations Fernanda Nunes, who won the final with 4 vp! Márcio Pinheiro got 1 vp. This is Fernanda's tournament winning deck:
1x Aleph 4 dom AUS Malkavian:1
5x Anarch Convert 1 Caitiff:ANY
1x Dieter Kleist 2 aus Toreador:1
1x Dorian Strack 4 cel AUS Toreador:1
1x Franciscus 1 aus Caitiff:2
1x Idalia, Prophet of Guadalajara 4 dem AUS !Malkavian:2
1x Isabel de Leon 3 AUS Toreador:2
1x Remilliard, Devout Crusader 4 pre AUS !Toreador:2
1x Zöe 3 cel obf AUS Malkavian:2
Library (90 cards)
Master (28)
1x Anarch Free Press, The
5x Anarch Revolt
4x Ashur Tablets
2x Auspex
1x Channel 10
2x Direct Intervention
2x Parthenon, The
1x Pentex(TM) Subversion
1x Powerbase: Montreal
1x Rumor Mill, Tabloid Newspaper, The
2x Smiling Jack, The Anarch
2x Tribute to the Master
1x Twilight Camp
1x WMRH Talk Radio
1x Wall Street Night, Financial Newspaper
1x Wash
Action (2)
2x Constant Revolution
Equipment (6)
6x Sniper Rifle
Ally (2)
1x Carlton Van Wyk (Hunter)
1x Ossian
Action Modifier (2)
2x Monkey Wrench
Reaction (35)
6x Eagle's Sight
4x Enhanced Senses
5x Eyes of Argus
4x Forced Awakening
2x My Enemy's Enemy
4x On the Qui Vive
3x Precognition
3x Spirit's Touch
4x Telepathic Misdirection
Combat (15)
6x Concealed Weapon
5x Target Vitals
4x Taste of Vitae
Our friends at White Wolf have the next edition of Vampire: The Masquerade for preorder on Don’t miss it if you are into roleplaying games – playtesters are ecstatic! Core book, Camarilla sourcebook, Anarch sourcebook, beautiful dice, and why not in that €689.99 luxury Methuselah bundle?
Upcoming events:
June 1: Oye Plage Awakening - Oye Plage, France
June 2: Lay Low - Fortaleza, Brazil
June 9: QCF Marseille - Marseille, France
June 10: QCE Marseille - Marseille, France
June 10: Foundation Exibit - Vila Velha, Brazil
June 10: V:TES Returns/Nikolaj Farewell - Auckland, New Zealand
June 10: Week of Nightmares event 1 - Columbus, USA
June 11: Week of Nightmares event 2 - Columbus, USA
June 11: Week of Nightmares event 3 - Columbus, USA
June 12: Week of Nightmares event 4 - Columbus, USA
June 12: Week of Nightmares event 5 - Columbus, USA
June 13: Week of Nightmares event 6 - Columbus, USA
June 13: Week of Nightmares event 7 - Columbus, USA
June 14: V:TES Constructed Tournament - Columbus, USA
June 14: V:TES Constructed Tournament - Columbus, USA
June 15: NAC Day One - Columbus, USA
June 16: NAC Day Two - Columbus, USA
June 16: The Rising Brno - Brno, Czech Republic
June 17: V:TES First Chance Qualifier - Columbus, USA
June 24: Colheita Maldita - São Paulo, Brazil
For more information on upcoming events see the V:EKN Event Calendar.
You can contact the V:EKN Inner Circle members using contact forms at Also follow the official V:TES Facebook page Vampire: The Eternal Struggle and the official V:EKN Twitter account @VEKN_VTES
“I don't know what I have done – I'm turning myself to a demon.”