Rate on a scale of 1 to 7 how interested you would be in such a game
Printing instructions
- Use Adobe Reader or Foxit Reader to print the PDF files. Some softwares such as Apple's "Preview" software don't support all the PDF features and must not be used.
- Before printing out the PDF files, make sure that Size Options are "Actual Page" (Adobe Reader) or Scaling Type is set to "None" (Foxit Reader).
- The PDF files use an A4 document size. If the page is truncated, use the "Auto-Center" feature in Foxit Reader.
- Due to the complexity of the PDF files, some (old) printers don't support the high-quality vectorial PDF files (tagged with the "vectorial" word). Please use the standard PDF files in that case.
How to use cards from a printable expansion sets in a V:EKN sanctioned tournament
When using cards from a printable expansion such as Danse Macabre, these cards must be color printed on standard paper and inserted into opaque sleeves before another Vampire: The Eternal Struggle or Jyhad card. This requires opaque sleeves for the whole crypt and/or library.
As a rule of thumb, the quality must be good enough so that the artist name is clearly readable. This also rewards the artists for their work.
List of printable expansion sets
Do I have to glue the paper on the card?
No, simply put the paper in front of the genuine V:TES or Jyhad card, in the same sleeve.
What kind of paper should I use?
Use standard paper, the thiner the better. Thick paper will make the cards more recognizable by touch when shuffling or drawing.
Does the card have to be in colour?
Yes, as indicated above.
How much is the printout to be allowed to deviate in size from a normal card?
The printed card should be exactly the same size as a normal card. If the size differs, check that Size Options are "Actual Page" (Adobe Reader) or Scaling Type is set to "None" (Foxit Reader).
Should I use the "vectorial" PDF file, or the standard PDF file?
The vectorial PDF file has greater quality, but isn't supported by all the printers and softwares. If you notice any glitch (such as black boxes around the expansion symbol, or symbols substituted with letters), use the normal PDF files.
How do I use the "multiple copies" files?
These files contain for each card a sheet with 1 to 9 copies of the card. If you need to print 6 copies of a given card, just print the corresponding page.
Anarchs Unbound
The list below is a tribute to the artists who volunteered to create illustrations for Anarchs Unbound, Vampire: Elder Kindred Network's third expansion for Vampire: the Eternal Struggle.
If you are interested in creating art for the V:EKN, please follow these guidelines.
Carmen Cornet - https://www.artstation.com/
Christopher Shy - http://studioronin.com
Gábor Németh - https://gabornem.wixsite.com/
Ginés Quiñonero - http://damnans.deviantart.com/
Grzegorz Bobrowski - http://www.gregbobrowski.com/
Heather V. Kreiter - http://shamansoulstudios.com/
Jared Smith - https://www.instagram.com/j_scribblez/
Javier Santos - http://javisart.com/#portfolio
Noah Hirka - https://noahhirka.wordpress.com/
Noora Hirvonen - http://www.noorahirvonen.com/
Mark Kelly - https://www.facebook.com/grimventures
Riccardo Fabiani - http://www.riccardofabiani.com/
Rubén Bravo - http://www.rubensmagicatelier.blogspot.com.es/
Tomáš Zahradnícek - http://zelgaris.com/
Storyline Rewards 2015
The list below is a tribute to the artists who volunteered to create illustrations for the Storyline Rewards 2015, Vampire: Elder Kindred Network's mini-set for Vampire: the Eternal Struggle.
If you are interested in creating art for the V:EKN, please follow these guidelines.
Gábor Németh - https://gabornem.wixsite.com/
Ginés Quiñonero - http://damnans.deviantart.com/
Ken Meyer Jr - http://www.kenmeyerjr.com/
Mark Kelly - https://www.facebook.com/grimventures
The Unaligned
The list below is a tribute to the artists who volunteered to create illustrations for The Unaligned, Vampire: Elder Kindred Network's second expansion for Vampire: the Eternal Struggle.
If you are interested in creating art for the V:EKN, please follow these guidelines.
Alejandro F. Giraldo - https://www.facebook.com/alejandro.f.giraldo/photos
Anna Evertsdotter - http://pinkpolenta.deviantart.com/
Ari Targownik - http://www.aritopia.com/
Carmen Cornet - https://www.artstation.com/
Francesc Grimalt - http://francescgrimalt.blogspot.com.es/
Gábor Németh - https://gabornem.wixsite.com/
Ginés Quiñonero - http://damnans.deviantart.com/
Heather V. Kreiter - http://shamansoulstudios.com/
Ian Hernaiz - http://www.sukubusstudio.com/
Jake Smidt - https://www.facebook.com/smittydraws
James Richardson - http://monstercola.deviantart.com/
Jarkko Suvela - http://janoavakangas.blogspot.com.es/
Javier Santos - http://javisart.com/#portfolio
Jesús Ybarzábal - http://ybar.deviantart.com/
Laia López - http://www.sukubusstudio.com/
Noora Hirvonen - http://www.noorahirvonen.com/
Mark Kelly - https://www.facebook.com/grimventures
Óscar Salcedo - http://0oki.deviantart.com/gallery/?offset=0
Riccardo Fabiani - http://www.riccardofabiani.com/
Rubén Bravo - http://www.rubensmagicatelier.blogspot.com.es/
Tomáš Zahradnícek - http://zelgaris.com/
Danse Macabre
The list below is a tribute to the artists who volunteered to create illustrations for Danse Macabre,Vampire: Elder Kindred Network's first expansion for Vampire: the Eternal Struggle.
Anna Evertsdotter - http://pinkpolenta.deviantart.com/
August Bøgedal Hansen - http://www.daportfolio.com/459597/gallery/802811
Christel Espenkrona - http://espenkrona.blogspot.com.es/
Elli Adams - http://elliadams.com/
Francesc Grimalt - http://francescgrimalt.blogspot.com.es/
Gábor Németh - https://gabornem.wixsite.com/
Ginés Quiñonero - http://damnans.deviantart.com/
Heather V. Kreiter - http://shamansoulstudios.com/
Jarkko Suvela - http://janoavakangas.blogspot.com.es/
Javier Santos - http://javisart.com/#portfolio
Jesús Ybarzábal - http://ybar.deviantart.com/
Kelly Howlett - http://www.zazzle.com/kellyhowlett/*
Lawrence Snelly - http://www.lawrencesnelly.com/
Mick Bertilorenzi - http://mick1977.deviantart.com/
Nicolas Bigot - http://dimple.the.rat.free.fr/
Riccardo Fabiani - http://riccardofabiani.carbonmade.com/
Tomáš Zahradnícek - http://zelgaris.com/
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