Berlin - Brandenburger Tor

Greetings fellow Methuselahs!

While we hope all you lovers of V:TES are enjoying the holiday season, the V:EKN is not resting in our tombs. Nope, we are more active than ever doing our best to promote the game, and it looks as hard work will REALLY bear fruit next year:

Our beloved game is returning to print in May 2017. In cooperation with White Wolf Publishing and Participation Design Agency a card set called Anthology will be printed for attendees at the European Championships held at the World of Darkness Berlin convention. Read the full announcement.


As mentioned above, the European Championships will be held in Berlin, Germany 12-14 May. Unlike previous years, this will be a open tournament – you don´t have to qualify to attend. More information on this will follow.


Round 1 of playtest of the next official V:EKN expansion set is underway! The set includes 40 cards (20 crypt, 20 library) covering Blood Brothers, Gargoyles, Harbingers of Skulls, Salubri antitribu and Samedi. Most vampires are in Groups 5 and 6 but a couple are in Group 3. Round 1 will conclude at the end of January. If your playgroup is interested in participating in the playtest, please contact our playtest coordinator Hugh Angseesing.

The Design Team is also working on a number of totally new cards for the upcoming Anthology Set for the World of Darkness Berlin convention. These cards will portray characters and locations from the End of the Line and Enlightenment In Blood live action role-playing events.

As always we are looking for artists for the new cards - contact Ginés Quiñonero about that.


Rules Directors Pascal Bertrand and Vincent Ripoll are pondering a number of interesting changes, both to the actual game rules and the tournament rules. For example some Anthology reprint cards might need rewording. Stayed tune to for announcements!


January: V:EKN has kept constant contact with White Wolf Publishing over the whole year. Business developer Dhaunae De Vir and the whole White Wolf staff has been very friendly and responsive to us, for example attending and sponsoring the Swedish National Championships. As of this autumn Dhaunae De Vir is a member of the V:EKN Inner Circle and the V:EKN now provides the V:EKN pdf-sets for White Wolf review.
January 17: Anarchs Unbound was released. The release also included a rules update banning three cards from tournament play: Anthelios, The Red Star, Temptation of Greater Power and Seeds of Corruption.
February 29: A new online V:TES player survey was conducted about the future of V:TES, and there was over 1,300 answers! View the results.
April 10: The Design Team announced that the next official V:EKN expansion set will focus on bloodlines.
June 7: Rules Team ruling allowing proxy cards in some tournaments.
June 17-19: North American Championship in Columbus, USA. Congratulations to the new champion Darby Keeney, who played a Baali The Unnamed stealth-bleeder.
September 21: The qualification rules for continental championships was updated for clarity.
October 30: Asian Championship in Osaka, Japan. Congratulations to the new champion Bann Lum, who also played a Baali deck with The Unnamed as star.
November 10-13: European Championship in Genoa, Italy. Congratulations to the new champion Pau Vilar, who played a bigcap AUS-VIC-THA toolbox. During the EC, a new 3-year V:EKN Inner Circle was elected, with Ginés Quiñonero as chairman. Read notes from the V:EKN National Coordinators meeting.
November 12-14: South American Championship in São Paulo, Brazil. Congratulations to the new champion Elzo Benzaquen, who played a Mallavian S&B with 16 Sudden Reversal.
December 23: The Anthology set and the EC 2017 was announced.


Upcoming events:
Jan 7 - San Jose, USA: Standard constructed
Jan 7 - San Jose, USA: Standard constructed
Jan 21 - Stockholm, Sweden: Standard constructed
Jan 28 - Utrecht, Netherlands: Standard constructed (Continental qualifier)

For more information on upcoming events see the V:EKN Event Calendar.


You can contact the V:EKN Inner Circle members using contact forms at Also follow the official V:TES Facebook page Vampire: The Eternal Struggle and the official V:EKN Twitter account @VEKN_VTES



White Wolf “Nordic” Larps Featured on New Cards

White Wolf, Vampire: Elder Kindred Network and Participation | Design | Agency are proud to announce that the 2017 European Championship of Vampire: The Eternal Struggle will be held as an open tournament at the World of Darkness Berlin convention on the 11-14 May, 2017.

With the intent of making this event a truly unforgettable experience, White Wolf has licensed P|D|A to publish
a Limited Edition 100-card V:TES Anthology Set for the World of Darkness Berlin. Each participant of the convention will receive a copy of the set as part of their registration fee, and they will have the opportunity to pre-order additional sets to be collected at the event.

The Anthology Set will consist of a selection of highly sought-after re-prints, cards from various VEKN expansions, and several new cards representing elements of the collaborative-style full immersion live-action roleplaying events
End of the Line and Enlightenment in Blood, both of which will be run in Berlin during the convention. The exact contents of the card set will be announced at the end of January.

For further information on the World of Darkness Berlin convention, please visit


Ginés Quiñonero, Chairman, Vampire Elder Kindred Network


For questions about the convention, please email or

World of Darkness®, White Wolf® and Vampire: the Eternal Struggle® are Copyright© [2016] White Wolf Publishing AB All rights reserved.

Art by Javier Santos


Since my re-election I have been in talks with several V:TES enthusiasts willing to devote their time to promoting the game, in order to restructure the Inner Circle and make it a more active and operational body.

With that intention in mind, the Scribe and Marketing Director positions have been unified into a single one:

Community Manager: Shall manage the Vampire: The Eternal Struggle Facebook, Twitter, etc. pages. Shall write and post V:EKN announcements in social media, V:EKN forums, etc. Shall answer questions related to V:EKN announcements in social media, forums, etc. And shall write the monthly V:EKN Newsletter.

And a new position (actually not so new) has been created:

Organized Play Coordinator: Shall be in charge of promoting VTES play through National Coordinators, so that the playerbase grows and the game looks more attractive to the companies willing to publish it.

In addition, White Wolf's representative Dhaunae De Vir has accepted the Inner Circle position of Counselor.

Therefore, as of now the Inner Circle is going to be restructured as follows (new members are in red):

Chairman and Website Coordinator: Ginés Quiñonero
Vice Chairman: Hugh Angseesing
Rules Director: Pascal Bertrand (until he finishes the new qualification system he is working on for the European Championships). After that he'll step down and Vincent Ripoll will take over.
Ratings Coordinator: Vincent Ripoll
Design Team Leader: Ben Peal
Community Manager: Henrik Klippström
Organized Play Coordinators: Orian Gissler and Desso Alastor
Counselors: David Tatu and Dhaunae de Vir (White Wolf)
Chairmen Emeriti: Robert Goudie, Johannes Walch

Ginés Quiñonero
VEKN Chairman