lightbulb What if we updated these cards?

16 Mar 2023 13:59 - 16 Mar 2023 15:34 #107643 by charmer
​​OK, got it.

​Another card that failed to take off is The Becoming - comparing it to other breed cards, this one seems to be clunkiest of them all.. Let's see what can be done:

The Becoming - [blood cost reduced to 1] +1 stealth action. Requires a non-sterile vampire. Put this card in play; it becomes a 0-capacity non-unique vampire of the same clan and sect as the acting vampire and cannot act this turn; put up to 3 master discipline cards from your hand, library and/or ash heap to this vampire; move up to 1 blood from the acting vampire to this new vampire. Burn this vampire if they have no capacity-increasing discipline cards.

Not even the above updates are likely to "save" the card as your deck would have to be full with discipline cards and would need more help to cycle them fast or use them for additional effects like Shock Troops. Maybe Discipline juggling could somehow be reused in thin-blood alchemy ;)?

Next up, I found another card with a good idea but with sub par execution. I'd tweak it thusly:

Masai Blood Milk - +1 stealth action. Requires a ready Laibon. Unique.
Put this card on a Laibon you control. That Laibon may burn this card as a +1 stealth action to get +1 strength for the remainder of the game. If that action is successful, that Laibon may unlock. Burn this card during the discard phase of your next turn.
Last edit: 16 Mar 2023 15:34 by charmer.

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22 Mar 2023 16:39 #107713 by ReverendRevolver

Becoming of Ennoia
Gehenna. Do not replace until your next discard phase
Requires at least two other Gehenna cards controlled by other Methuselahs in play. During each Methuselah's unlock phase, he or she chooses a ready vampire he or she controls. The chosen vampire takes 1 unpreventable damage..
Earth Meld cards cost 2 additional blood.

There. I fixed it for all of us. Earth Meld is the best combat card in the game, it's just fewer people gave it credit until recently.
The following user(s) said Thank You: Delion, nedleeds, charmer

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23 Mar 2023 11:58 - 09 Apr 2023 15:43 #107721 by charmer
Haha, nice, I'd take it.

In this thread, I'm trying to propose modest changes that would improve cards and potentially make them viable for some tournament decks.

But if it really came to it, this version of the card could still make it through testing and into the print - fingers crossed :)

EDIT: Maybe Earth Control could be thrown into the mix for flavor purposes as well ;)
Last edit: 09 Apr 2023 15:43 by charmer.

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26 Mar 2023 22:11 #107742 by charmer
I've got more:

Special Report - Master: out-of-turn.
Choose a ready vampire you control. That vampire unlocks and attempts to block with +1 intercept even if intercept is not yet needed. If a vampire attempts to block this action and fails, it becomes locked before action resolution. Once this action you may burn 1 pool to give that vampire +1 intercept.

If Dreams of the Sphinx is an okay card as it is (see earlier posts on that ;) ), then having a generic surprise one-of block attempt available to those who can find a free spot in their master module seems like a fair proposition to me. What do you think?

Precision - +1 stealth action.
cel: Ⓓ Choose a card by name. Your prey must discard a copy of that card, if possible. If this action succeeds, the acting vampire may unlock at the end of the action.
CEL: As above, and if your prey discards a copy, this vampire may burn 1 blood to burn 1 of your prey's pool.

Another card designed with a nifty idea that never really worked for being too limited. Just a free unlock could do the trick here. Even flavor-wise, a celerity incursion like this could easily warrant an unlock unless disrupted, no?

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09 Apr 2023 15:35 #107818 by charmer
Not done yet:

Sabbat Ritae we got as cards proved to be too expensive to be playable virtually anywhere. My understanding is that a ritus cannot succeed without sacrifice but how about to make them permanent?

Stealth Ritus - [costs 1 blood] Requires a ready Sabbat vampire. Only usable when the action is announced.
Choose another ready Sabbat vampire you control. The chosen vampire burns 1 blood, or this card has no effect. This action gets +1 stealth, even if stealth is not yet needed. Put this card on this vampire. When this vampire announces the same kind of action, it gets +1 stealth, even if stealth is not yet needed.

and in the same vein:

Martial Ritus - [costs 1 blood] +1 stealth action. Requires a ready Sabbat vampire.
Choose another ready younger Sabbat vampire you control. The chosen vampire burns 1 blood, or this card has no effect.
Put this card on the younger Sabbat vampire and unlock this acting vampire. The Sabbat vampire with this card gets +1 strength. During your next unlock phase, burn this card.

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10 Apr 2023 13:30 - 10 Apr 2023 13:32 #107819 by charmer
There are more cards that could use a serious boost:

Legwork - [no blood cost]
Only usable by a vampire, or a mortal or ghoul ally.
Do not replace until your next unlock phase.
+1 intercept. Not usable by a minion vampire with more than 0 intercept.

Since the Entrancement, allies are relatively fragile and this update could help them be a bit more worthwhile overall.
Legionnaires and Nephandi purposefully excluded, Antigen purposefully included, War Ghoul is included unintentionally :-)

Forgery - [Action modifier]
Requires a ready vampire with capacity 5 or more. Only usable during a bleed action.
Ⓓ Bleed. If the bleed is successful, this acting vampire gains 1 blood plus additional 1 blood for each 2 points of bleed beyond the first the bleed had.

The card effect was unique but was never viable for even casual decks it seems. Maybe this update could help.

Zip Line - +2 stealth action.
Put this card on the acting any minion you control. The minion with this card may burn this card to get +1 stealth until end of turn.

For what the card originally did, this might be a modest update but a young vampire supplying the zip line to a multi-acting high-cap could make the difference. Or just "equip" the Political Ally - probably not OP, right :) ?
Last edit: 10 Apr 2023 13:32 by charmer.

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