file New set in 2012

15 Dec 2011 19:18 #18582 by johannes
Replied by johannes on topic Re: New set in 2012

-who the design team is (why is this kept secret anyways??)

Yes, I also want to know this. Please reveal!

And I want to know who killed John F. Kennedy B)
It is kept "secret" to give the people some breathing room. With them being new and all we wanted to protect them from too much good-willed suggestions for a while ("Hey Mr. DJ please play this song"). Some are already pretty evident on the forums, but over the next couple of weeks I am sure you will know.

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15 Dec 2011 21:38 #18597 by Kushiel
Replied by Kushiel on topic Re: New set in 2012

Its kind of pointless for me to speculate, so lets get to the point. You are implying that the process largely hasnt changed?

I'm not trying to imply anything. I'm trying to figure out why you're freaked out about the contents of the new set, and the only way to know that is to know what the baseline is for you w/r/t the old sets.

I am getting a vibe that maybe you (and the other players freaked out by the new set, I guess?) have this weird idea about the legitimacy of the game being compromised due to it lacking corporate governorship. I'm pretty sure that a) WW didn't have any magic card fairies producing stuff that us mere mortals could never come up with and b) WW had less of a hand at the tiller than I'm guessing you think they had. But without knowing what you think the process was back when WW was printing the game, it's impossible to know if my suspicion is just evidence that my vibe-o-meter is miscalibrated.

Go ahead and speculate. It's free.

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22 Dec 2011 07:47 #19053 by Amenophobis
Replied by Amenophobis on topic Re: New set in 2012

I'm trying to see this from your point of view here, and having a tough time. To that end, what do you imagine that the process of creating a new set was, back when WW was doing it?

Its kind of pointless for me to speculate, so lets get to the point. You are implying that the process largely hasnt changed?

The process is largely the same as it was when WW produced the sets.

To alay my fears (in part) I would rather know;

-who the design team is (why is this kept secret anyways??)
-what their qualifications and experience is (its very common for designers to introduce themselves, explain their experience and view on the game and what they bring to the table, etc. why not do that here?)
-what the current design process is and how that differs if at all from the process under WW.

Did you read this: Designers' Diary ?

Some of your fears might be addressed there.

In the past, nobody know who the members of the design team were, except that LSJ was part of it (headed it).
As far as I can tell, the current design process is the same as in the past. Do you know how the design process and playtest process were for the WW-produced sets? Why do you care now?

The VEKN has been heavily involved with VTES and WW from the get go. It was the the VEKN who persuaded Steve Wieck to pick up VTES and produce sets.
It was the VEKN that started the continentals. LSJ was always a part of the VEKN Inner Circle and acted also as rules-representatve for WW.
Members of the VEKN created the WW Strategy Guide.
Members of the VEKN have always been involved with creating cards for sets and playtestgin. Nothing has changed.

What has changed is that LSJ stepped down and Pascal took his job. He is a more than worthy successor.
LSJ is no longer designing the sets. Other people previously heavily involved with WW and the VEKN are doing that now. They may or may not disclose themselves to the public.

LSJ has never disclosed the members of the Rules Team or the Design Team. Yet you seem to be satisfied with the way the things were in the past.

You didn't answer Johannes, our VEKN chairman, who was politely aksing you direct questions. Are you sidestepping too direct questzions?

As others have pointed out, you seem to be involved with VTES in your country, why not become NC and try to make things better from the inside?

So, talonz, your lack of response to the above post suggests that you are trolling.
You got nice and in-depth responses from various people. You chose not to answer direct questions by the VEKN chairman and others regarding your involvement with VTES and possible VEKN, and addressing your fears.

What more is there to say? I thought so.

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22 Dec 2011 17:03 #19066 by talonz
Replied by talonz on topic Re: New set in 2012
Nope, just burnt out from long days at work and the christmas rush. I have read your replies and found portions of them informative, thanks. Keep in mind I did pm johannes with answers to some of his questions (not related to the set itself).

For the record, I was never trolling, and no one answered my question on whether homemade proxies without sleeves would be acceptable. But either way I dont think this conversation has any further steam to it. I am resigned to the fact that the pdf set will happen and the abhorent sleeves requirement along with it.

I hate it, but there it is.

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22 Dec 2011 18:08 #19080 by Baaliprimogen
Replied by Baaliprimogen on topic Re: New set in 2012
Please, for Christmas, give us one SPOILER!!!

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22 Dec 2011 20:24 #19095 by KevinM
Replied by KevinM on topic Re: New set in 2012

For the record, I was never trolling, and no one answered my question on whether homemade proxies without sleeves would be acceptable.

Johannes did, here:

This was before you began posting in this thread, so perhaps you missed it.

Kevin M., Prince of Las Vegas
"Know your enemy and know yourself; in one-thousand battles
you shall never be in peril." -- Sun Tzu, *The Art of War*
"Contentment...Complacency...Catastrophe!" -- Joseph Chevalier
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