exclamation-circle Timing of "Kindred Spirits" under "The Rising"

04 Feb 2013 06:59 #44808 by Ankha

Rule 6.1.1 says "Additionally, if the action succeeds and the bleed amount is one or more, then the bleed is successful and the controller of the acting minion gets the Edge, taking it from the Methuselah who has it, if any."

Notice the use of "if..." which is the same as for the unnamed, meaning you have to wait until the action is resolved to know if the action is successful, then get the edge. It means also that you may order the unnamed effect and gaining the Edge in any order since they trigger at the same time.

For KS: resolve the action first. Get the edge afterwards. Meaning you don't gain the pool if you don't have the Edge beforehand.

By definition, a bleed is not successful until a after bleed action is successful. From 6.1.1: "...if the action succeeds...then the bleed is successful". The use of the word "then" indicates that the effects are ordered.

Indeed, you must wait for the action to have resolved (=> it has been successful) to get the Edge. It's coherent with Sargon's behavior btw.

That means that the pool gain from KS, Social Charm, Legal Manipulations, et al. does not occur until after the action itself is successful, by definition.

No. It's contradictory with what you said above. Gaining pool is part of the action. You gain pool when the action is resolved.
Then (same emphasis as yours) you get the Edge if the bleed (not bleed action) was successful (> 0).

Section 6.1.1 strongly implies that gaining the edge is an effect of a successful bleed action: "then the bleed is successful and the [player]...gets the Edge..."

No, it happens afterwards.

There are several action cards that have multiple, ordered effects that occur upon the action resolution, for example SchreckNET or The Portrait. There are action cards with effects that occur at and after resolution, such as Abactor. It is not logical to assume that all the effects of an action card must occur successively.

Sure, but they are all part of the resolution of the action.

By definition, the two parts of KS CANNOT happen concurrently. There is no inherent reason why the pool gain effect could not happen after some other effect that immediately succeeds a successful bleed action.

No, you have to resolve the action first (under the current rules).

Edit/Another thought: The text of the rulebook can easily be understood to mean that getting the Edge must happen before the pool gain of KS: "...then the bleed is successful and the [player]...gets the Edge..." When two effects are linked by "and" in the text, and not "and then", we can understand that they occur simultaneously.

I'm not sure it would change anything. You still have to resolve the action first.

Prince of Paris, France
Ratings Coordinator, Rules Director

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04 Feb 2013 07:13 #44809 by kombainas
I have to point out 2 things:

Rule 6.1.1 says "Additionally, if the action succeeds and the bleed amount is one or more, then the bleed is successful and the controller of the acting minion gets the Edge, taking it from the Methuselah who has it, if any."

Kindred Spirits

[Action] Action

[Dementation] Dementation

[dem] (D) Bleed any Methuselah. Gain 1 pool if this bleed is successful (for 1 or more).
[DEM] As above, with +1 bleed.

Both edge-gain and KS pool gain do not depend on action, but on bleed success. Since there is no priority of one benefit over the other, strictly speaking, you could reorder them as you like.

!malk! :OBF: :DEM: :cel: :cap6: Sabbat. If this vampire's bleed is successful, he laughs manicly and untaps.

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04 Feb 2013 08:59 #44810 by Ankha

I have to point out 2 things:

Rule 6.1.1 says "Additionally, if the action succeeds and the bleed amount is one or more, then the bleed is successful and the controller of the acting minion gets the Edge, taking it from the Methuselah who has it, if any."

Kindred Spirits

[Action] Action

[Dementation] Dementation

[dem] (D) Bleed any Methuselah. Gain 1 pool if this bleed is successful (for 1 or more).
[DEM] As above, with +1 bleed.

Both edge-gain and KS pool gain do not depend on action, but on bleed success. Since there is no priority of one benefit over the other, strictly speaking, you could reorder them as you like.

This is true only if you consider the gain pool part from KS being a kind of postponed effect that doesn't happen during the resolution of the action.
This is not the case under the actual rule.
Floppy said he would add it to the review list, so let's wait for his final changes (if any).

Prince of Paris, France
Ratings Coordinator, Rules Director

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04 Feb 2013 09:28 #44811 by AaronC

Edit/Another thought: The text of the rulebook can easily be understood to mean that getting the Edge must happen before the pool gain of KS: "...then the bleed is successful and the [player]...gets the Edge..." When two effects are linked by "and" in the text, and not "and then", we can understand that they occur simultaneously.

I'm not sure it would change anything. You still have to resolve the action first.

You bleed with KS. The bleed is for 1. The action is not blocked. According to 6.1.1, what happens next? The bleed is declared successful AND the acting player gains the Edge. According to the rulebook (6.2.3.), resolving an action is just having the effects of the action take place, and gaining the Edge seems to be an effect of the action, and one that happens immediately.

With a very logical reading of the rules, this is what could happen during a successful Kindred Spirits bleed:
1. Kindred Spirits bleed is not blocked and is for 1 or more.
2. The bleed is [considered] successful and the player gains the Edge [simultaneously] (6.1.1.)
3. Since the bleed was successful, the additional part of the KS action card takes place and the player gains 1 pool. ("if"-clause was satisfied.)

LSJ has decided that this is not how it works in practice: fine. Are LSJ's rulings "the rules"? In practice, yes, but technically, no. From a strictly logical viewpoint, I can't see any problem with my interpretation of what could happen, and I would see no problem with discarding LSJ's ruling in favor of this one, although I'm not advocating it, either.

According to the rulebook, when an action is successful, its effects take place. If a vampire like Dr. Streck or The unnamed successfully bleeds with sup. Legal Manipulations, are their respective card texts effects of the action? Is gaining the Edge an effect of the action? Is gaining the pool an effect of the action? The rulebook doesn't differentiate between sources of effects, except to imply that the Edge is gained and the bleed is successful at the same time.

LSJ has ruled that the effects of an action card take place before other effects of the action, but it is an arbitrary ruling.

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04 Feb 2013 09:43 #44812 by Ohlmann

LSJ has ruled that the effects of an action card take place before other effects of the action, but it is an arbitrary ruling.

I concur, even if I think he ruled "the pool gain is part of the action proper and not a trigger on an event".

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04 Feb 2013 23:27 #44845 by KevinM

LSJ has ruled that the effects of an action card take place before other effects of the action, but it is an arbitrary ruling.

How is it "arbitrary" to suggest that card text takes precedence over effects generated by card text?

Kevin M., Prince of Las Vegas
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