Greetings fellow Methuselahs
Cold autumn winds chill my old bones, and I huddle in my coffin and order my chief ghoul to microwave yet another cup of cardamom-flavoured type O. What has happened this moon cycle, you wonder? Not much I´d say, as I am getting numb of age. I know some who call themselves “players” would disagree, and insist they live in exciting times, with “more activitity than ever”. No, it is all the same. The Eternal Struggle rages on. All is as it should be …
We recommend all members, especially tournament organizers, to read and re-read the new Vampire: Elder Kindred Network Code of Ethics, published on September 9. Created by the VEKN Inner Circle together with VEKN National Coordinators, the document is foremost a guide to help all involved parties to look after each other and be respectful of each other's differences. Keep it in mind!
This year´s Australian/New Zealand Championships are being played at Brook Hotel in Mitchelton, Queensland, Australia on October 5. Head organizer is Stephen Harris.
Like all other continental events this year, Black Chantry Productions has created a special promo card awarded to all attendants. For this event it is the Brujah Baron of Canberra Leumeah, with artwork by the great Lawrence Snelly. This exact printing is exclusive for the championship, but the card will appear in a future Black Chantry product. calendar:

The Swedish National Championship 2019 was played at the Dragon´s Lair store in beautiful Stockholm on September 7. 42 players turned up for battle, including world top ranking Martin Weinmayer of Austria and no less then 13 invading, very bloodthirsty Finns!
After the three preliminary rounds, these were the standings:
1. Esa-Matti Smolander (FIN) 2 GW 9,5 VP
2. Kristofer Åkesson (SWE) 2 GW 9 VP
3. Henrik Klippström (SWE) 2 GW 7 VP
4. Lauri Salmi (FIN) 2 GW 7 VP
5. Erik Mossberg (SWE) 2 GW 6 VP
Lauri played at least one Anarch Revolt each round the first five rounds, which practically cross-table ousted Kristofer all-titled Lasombras, and also damaging Henrik a lot. A long, wavy struggle followed, were Lauri tried to rush down Erik's anarchs, while the top seeded Esa-Matti tried to balance the table with both helping Erik to survive and preventing him from building enough Legionnaires to be a threat, while at the same time setting up for ousting the crippled Henrik (who made poor attempts to damage Lauri) and preparing for a potential heads up against a very strong and dangerous Lauri. The balance act worked out and eventually Esa-Matti won on time with 1.5 victory points. Congratulations!
This is Esa-Matti's tournament winning deck:
Deck name: All Hail Satan v 4.1
Crypt (13):
5x Huitzilopochtli 10 DAI, OBF, PRE, POT, DOM, AUS
1x High Priest Angra Mainyu 8 DAI, OBF, PRE, dem, ser
4x Giotto Verducci 7 DAI, OBF, pre, pot, for
1x New Blood 2 san
2x Anarch Convert 1
Library (72):
Master (34):
9x Ashur Tablets
6x Tend the Flock
3x Villein
2x Metro Underground
2x The Parthenon
1x Jake Washinton (Hunter)
1x Pentex(TM) Subversion
1x Monastery of Shadows
1x Dreams of the Sphinx
1x Direct Intervention
1x Information Highway
1x Agent of Power
1x Giant’s Blood
1x Secure Haven
1x Wider View
1x The Coven
1x Wash
Action (9):
5x Entrancement
2x Unleash Hell’s Fury
1x Mind Rape
1x Contagion
Action Modifier (12):
4x Lost in Crowds
3x Elder Impersonation
3x Faceless Night
2x Enkil Cog
1x I am Legion
Reaction (5):
2x Deflection
1x Eluding the Arms of Morpheus
1x Delaying Tactics
1x On the Qui Vive
Combat (2):
2x Majesty
Ally (2):
1x Carlton Van Wyk (Hunter)
1x Veneficti (Mage)
Combo (7):
5x Sense the Sin
1x Touch of Clarity
1x Hide the Mind
Thanks to organizer Randal Rudstam. artists Noora Hirvonen and Anna Evertsdotter for extra prize support, all others who help out, and our sponsor Ultra Pro!
As the game slowly rises from a kind of torpid situation, we notice more excellent VTES content. It´s actually more than we can keep track of, in various languages, but a couple of real gems deserve extra attention:
• Bindusara´s Jyhad Diary baffles – soon the blog will have problems improving! In just the last weeks, we have read excellent interviews with (among others) Ben Peal, Selen Turkay, Steve Wieck, Andrew Greenberg, Richard Garfield and Skaff Elias. Keep up the great work! Check out
• Struggle, Interrupted is 2019 NAC winner Corwin Brindley´s Twitch show, where he discusses VTES deck building and strategy, giving insights and opinions on decks shown on screen. Entertaining and helpful! Visit (Also available on Youtube)
If you have created (or found!) any great VTES content that you want the VEKN to promote, please contact the VEKN Community Manager.
• A special page was created to help players keep track of all Black Chantry-created promo cards.
• It was announced that the five First Blood decks will appear in stores around October 1, in Spanish as well as in English. Sadly, there was a printing issue in one of the decks, but replacement products are coming.
• On September 16, Black Chantry rules director Vincent Ripoll made a statement regarding updated card texts, discontinued Beta card texts and translations.
• Some exciting art concerning First Blood was announced: New art for Bonding has been created by Black Chantry´s own Ginés Quinonero for both the Tremere and the Ventrue deck, and the original artwork for Aching Beauty (by Dave Roach and Pete Burges) returns in the Toreador deck.
• Round 2 of Fifth Edition playtesting has concluded, and reports are collected and a report is compiled by playtest coordinator Darby Keeney. After adjustments, Round 3 will begin.• Currently 17 Black Chantry products are available through and other stores:
- Lost Kindred bundle
- Keepers of Tradition Reprint Bundle 1
- Keepers of Tradition Reprint Bundle 2
- Heirs of the Blood Reprint Bundle 1
- Heirs of the Blood Reprint Bundle 2
- Den of Fiends Preconstructed Deck
- Libertine Ball Preconstructed Deck
- Pact with Nephandi Preconstructed Deck
- Parliament of Shadows Preconstructed Deck
- Anthology I bundle
- VTES Card Creator
- 25th Anniversary (Not on yet!)
- First Blood: Malkavian (Not on yet!)
- First Blood: Nosferatu (Not on yet!)
- First Blood: Toreador (Not on yet!)
- First Blood: Tremere (Not on yet!)
- First Blood: Ventrue (Not on yet!)
Do you have opinions or questions for Black Chantry? Start a topic on the VEKN forum, or contact the company by e-mail, Facebook or Twitter.
This month we want to mention these Vampire: The Masquerade related news:
• Licensee Modiphius Entertainment announced that VTM will be made available not only in English, French, Italian and Spanish, but also soon in German, Brazilian Portuguese and Russian. The partner companies responsible for translation of the core books will also participate in the global organized play programme and create their own setting and chronicle material!
• So far four of the five factions in Bloodlines 2 have been revealed; The Camarilla, The Baron, The Pioneers and The Newcomers, and the artwork to illustrate these is FANTASTIC. The game will be displayed at PDXCON in Berlin on October 18-20, so if you are curious and happen to be in town that weekend, don´t miss it.
Upcoming events:
October 5: Australian/New Zealand Continental Championships – Mitchelton, Australia
October 5: New Age V:tes – Ceará, Brazil
October 5: Nightmare Curse – Santiago, Chile
October 5: Elysium Reus V – Reus, Spain
October 5: Command the Legion – La Pobla de Vallbona, Spain
October 5: Bewitching Oration 2 – Paris, France
October 5: Vilnius Open 2019 – Vilnius, Lithuania
October 6: Signet of King Saul – Mitchelton, Australia
October 12: Dutch national championship – Utrecht, Netherlands
October 12: 11th Hiekkaharju Nightmares – Vantaa, Finland
October 12: Round 5 – Vác, Hungary
October 12: Zabrze by Night - cykl Silesia by Night – Zabrze, Śląskie, Poland
October 13: VTES PAULISTÃO 2019 – São Paulo, Brazil
October 13: Alessandro Donati – Barga, Toscana, Italy
October 13: New Blood – Barga, Toscana, Italy
October 19: Torneio de VTES na Estante RJ – Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
October 19: Camarilla Conclave 2019 – Palma de Mallorca, Spain
October 26: Beware Of Light – Bochum, Germany
October 27: Hungarian Championship – Budapest, Hungary
October 27: Breath of the Graoully – Metz, France
For more information on upcoming events see the V:EKN Event Calendar.
You can contact the V:EKN Inner Circle members using contact forms at Also follow the V:EKN Facebook group, the official V:TES Facebook page Vampire: The Eternal Struggle and the official V:EKN Twitter account @VEKN_VTES
"How a person masters his fate is more important than what his fate is."
The Vampire: The Eternal Struggle players’ organization Vampire: Elder Kindred Network has published a code of ethics document to remind members, event organizers and other parties to look after each other and be respectful of differences.
Read the document: VEKN Code of Ethics (also found under "Utilities" at and under "Rules" at
Greetings fellow Methuselahs
I have been travelling. I seldom do so, because it tend to involve complicated arrangements with night time flights in a lead casket guarded by armed ghouls. But sometimes its needed. This time I was challenged by some young, cocky Methuselahs and the duelling grounds had to be Paris, France. I haven´t been there since the late 18th century, when some of my less talented minions happened to involve themselves in some very unnecessary events. Harsh words were said. Blood flowed on the streets. Heads were severed in complicated ways. It was a mess and I barely escaped with my unlife intact! Just like my recent visit…
The EC of the 25th year of VTES existence was celebrated in great style in Paris, France. It wasn´t only a weekend, but a whole week filled with tournaments all over the city. The main events were played at Paris Gaming School in Montreuil, a most appropriate place, because many gaming lessons were taught!
Below follows a brief summary of winners with some pictures - thanks all that contributed with photos, especially Marko Saari who shot the beautiful black and white ones - click to enlarge!
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Monday constructed (25 players): Randal Rudstam (SWE, #4 in the image above), playing Tzimisce Sasha Vykos vote-toolbox (Card cycling is strong!)
Tuesday constructed (32 players): Maxime Socroun (FRA, #2 above), playing Nosferatu Cock Robin toolbox, after a very exciting heads up versus Samedi rush.
Wednesday sealed deck (10 players): Vincent Ripoll (FRA, #4 above), playing Toreador antitribu “Libertine Ball” breed-boon (without the boons!)
Wednesday constructed (12 players): Mathias Olsson (SWE) playing Black Hand stealth-bleed.
Thursday constructed (27 players): Aapo Järvelin (FIN, #3 above), playing “Girls will find” MMPA stealth-bleed.
Friday European limited championship (35 players drafted Jyhad/3rd Edition/Heirs to the Blood): Christophe Baltazar (FRA).
Friday constructed (65 players): Łukasz Ho Thanh (POL, #4 above), playing Goratrix wall. A very political final, but with no political decks!
Saturday Grand Prix final: Orian Gissler (FRA, #3 above): ANI+POT anarch Enkidu rush.
Sunday Brighter Future constructed (66 players): Tomas Wallmur (SWE, #3 above), playing Harbingers Emerald Legionnaires.
And so, the actual EC tournaments:
EC Day 1 had 131 players. Standings after three preliminary rounds were these:
1. Patrick Benoît (FRA) 2 gw 9.5 vp
2. Erik Mossberg (SWE) 2 gw 8.0 vp
3. Jorge Delgado (SPA) 2 gw 8.0 vp
4. Mathias Skubich (FRA) 2 gw 8.0 vp
5. Benoît Moyen (FRA) 2 gw 7.5 vp
Congratulations Jorge Delgado, winner of the largest tournament of the year! He got 1.5 vp, and so did Benoît. Erik got 0.5. Jorges deck:
Deck Name: Girls will find... Inner Circles
Crypt (12 cards)
1x Adana de Sforza 11 aus CEL OBF POT PRE PRO Brujah:4
4x Aksinya Daclau 9 cel tha ANI FOR PRE PRO !Gangrel:4
4x Cybele 10 ANI DAI OBF PRE SER THA Baali:4
1x Lucian, the Perfect 11 ANI AUS DOM OBF POT PRE Guruhi:4
1x Lutz von Hohenzollern 11 pot AUS DEM OBF PRE Malkavian:4
1x Rafael de Corazon 11 AUS CEL DOM OBF PRE Toreador:4
Library (78 cards)
Master (50)
15x Ashur Tablets
1x Coven, The
2x Dreams of the Sphinx
1x Giant's Blood
2x Golconda: Inner Peace
1x Information Highway
1x Jake Washington (Hunter)
7x Liquidation
1x Metro Underground
1x Monastery of Shadows
2x Parthenon, The
1x Pentex(TM) Subversion
6x Villein
2x Wider View
7x Zillah's Valley
Event (1)
1x Scourge of the Enochians
Action (4)
2x Entrancement
2x Unleash Hell's Fury
Action Modifier (14)
3x Aire of Elation
2x Elder Impersonation
1x Enkil Cog
2x Faceless Night
4x Into Thin Air
2x Spying Mission
Combat (3)
3x Majesty
Combo (2)
2x Swallowed by the Night
Reaction (4)
1x Guard Dogs
2x Lost in Translation
1x Rat's Warning
Qualified to play EC Day 2 were the 40 best players from Day 1, plus the finalists from Friday's constructed tournament and each of the season's European Grand Prix champions. After the three preliminary rounds, standings were these:
1. Otso Saariluoma (FIN) 2 gw 8.5 vp
2. Sélim Ammouche (FRA) 2 gw 8.0 vp
3. Tommi Hakomaa (FIN) 1 gw 6.5 vp
4. Orian Gissler (FRA) 1 gw 6.0 vp
5. Radoslaw Wroblewski (POL) 1 gw 5.0 vp
Congratulations Otso Saariluoma, European champion 2019! Otso was the only finalist who managed to oust his prey, so he ended up with 1.5 victory points (Tommi, Orian and Radoslaw got 0.5 vp). He also won the championship in 2011. Please read the interview with him below. The deck:
Deck Name: Finnish Politics
Crypt (12 cards)
4x Anarch Convert 1 Caitiff:ANY
1x Andre LeRoux 3 aus Toreador:5
1x Black Annis 9 ani pro OBF POT !Nosferatu:4
1x Enkidu, The Noah 11 for ANI CEL OBF POT PRO !Gangrel:4
3x Nana Buruku 8 ANI POT PRE Guruhi:4
2x Nangila Were 9 obf ser ANI POT PRE Guruhi:4
Library (65 cards)
Master (26)
4x Anarch Revolt
1x Archon Investigation
6x Ashur Tablets
1x Dreams of the Sphinx
1x Fame
1x Giant's Blood
1x Information Highway
1x Mbare Market, Harare
2x Pentex(TM) Subversion
1x Powerbase: Luanda
1x Powerbase: Montreal
5x Villein
1x Wider View
Event (1)
1x Dragonbound
Action (5)
3x Deep Song
1x Entrancement
1x Well-Marked
Retainer (1)
1x Mr. Winthrop
Combat (26)
1x Canine Horde
5x Carrion Crows
1x Glancing Blow
5x Immortal Grapple
1x Mighty Grapple
1x Slam
1x Stunt Cycle
4x Taste of Vitae
2x Thrown Sewer Lid
4x Torn Signpost
1x Undead Strength
Reaction (6)
1x Cats' Guidance
1x Delaying Tactics
2x On the Qui Vive
2x Sense the Savage Way
The full list of participants and results can be found the EC website (EC Day 1 and EC Day 2). All decklists will eventually be uploaded there (in the rightmost column).
Thanks to all players! Thanks to the whole French organisation crew – great work! Also thanks to our sponsors and friends Ultra Pro,, La Paris Gaming School, Trolls2Jeux, Le Repaire Du Dragon, Les Caves Alliées, Black Chantry Productions, Asmodee, Uchronies Games and Games Café. Hope to see all attendants again at EC 2020 in Helsinki, and especially welcome all you that could not be in Paris. Finland awaits you with many easy ousts!

Congratulations Otso - well played! One more final table for you with ANI+POT MMPA rush (see decklist above), and this time you are the champion, like in Warsaw 2011. Did you play the same deck on Day 1 too?
- No, on Day 1 I played a bleed variant of Girls (i.e. Cybele + Aksinya multiple master phase shenanigans). Preparing for the EC that was the only deck I was really happy with and had thought I might play it on both day 1 and 2. On Day 1 I swept one 4-player table and timed out two more for 0,5 VPs each and a grand total of 1GW 5 VPs for the day. I was relieved getting to Day 2, but not too happy with the performance, so for day 2 I chose to go back to my last year’s deck with Nana + Nangila master heavy beatdown.
How were your preliminary rounds Day 2?
- In this year’s preliminary rounds the tables were collapsing really nicely. There was at least one other heavy combat deck in each table (round 1 Otto’s Anson guns, round 2 Orian’s Nana animalism, round 3 Darby’s Imbued chainsaw massacre) which sped up the tables considerably. I also managed to shut down my initial preys really fast with forward rushing and torporizing their first vampires (apart from round 2, when Janne’s Stanislava was Archoned before I even had a turn to act) and Anarch Revolts did the ousting for me. In all of the rounds I got to the heads up with the other heavy combat deck. Round 1 and round 3 were really close calls with only a few seconds on the clock determining the outcome one way or another. In round 2 I made a deal with Orian as my predator for a 3-2-split, getting a game win of the deal and the game ended in about one hour. The games were super fun and intense and I was really happy with the result.
Why do you think this deck was a good pick for this Day 2 tournament?
- I’ve played a variant of this deck three times on EC Day 2 and gotten great results each time. I’ve obviously had some luck with the tables, but I feel this deck is at its best in the super-grindy meta of EC Day 2 as it couldn’t care less for most block decks (nice Goratrix you have there!), and goes one-up against most combat decks I’ve seen there, like mono-animalism, mono-potence or Rock Cats, even celerity guns. This deck has a hard time in a fast, pool-damage oriented meta or in combat against aggravated damage. Also, the real reason I initially hesitated playing this deck on Day 2 this year was the influx of Emerald Legionnaires. The thought of recurring allies with FBI and a strength of 2 didn’t really sound inviting. I fully expected to see at least one Legionnaires deck in the finals. However, as I didn’t want to play Liquidation + Ashur Tablets for two days straight, I ended up sleeving up this combat monster for the fun of it.
You were top seed before the final, with 2 game wins and 8,5 victory points. What were your thoughts when choosing seat? (See table layout in the EC summary above!)
- I wasn’t really sure where Tommi (3rd seed with Nephandi and Tupdogs) would sit in relation to Orian (4th seed with Nana animalism) and Radoslaw (5th seed with !Ventrue grinder), but he made the classic choice of not having DOM on his back instead hunting the stickmen. I fully expected Selim (2nd seed with Obedience-heavy Arika) to sit cross-table from the Tupdogs, but he instead chose to be their predator. I heard after the finals that he might not have known Tommi’s deck, in which case I feel really angry for him. To me, the practice of players choosing their seats in order of their performance is really interesting and often skillful part of a tournament, but the mandatory scouting is just silly – when can we have at least some information from the other players’ decks before choosing the seats? Like 4 random crypt cards from each finalist or whatnot?
All in all, three combat decks in the finals was great for the combat decks, keeping the two dominate decks on a really short leash. As for the other decks, I really liked Selim’s choice with DOM/votes for payload, OBF for delivery and Obedience + Metro Underground for defence – it demonstates understanding of the highly specialized meta that is EC Day 2.

You have played this deck, or rather similar variants, for a very long time. What is your most recent addition and why did you make that change?
- This version of the deck, just like my previous EC winning deck hails to the machinations of the Finnish combat master, Ville Kaijasaari. This list derives from his Finnish Nationals winning deck from 2013. I tested it out quite a bit before last year’s EC, where I played basically the same deck to the finals, and didn’t test at all before this year’s competition. The only change I made from last year was removing one Anarch Revolt for a second Pentex Subversion, after losing the finals because of Vincent getting my two high caps on lockdown with Pentex and Unleash Hell’s Fury. After this EC experience, I’d probably also add one more Immortal Grapple – I was never unhappy to draw one. Weirdly, Ashur Tablets weren’t that big of a deal this year – in all of the four rounds, I believe I completed a total of one set of Ashur Tablets.
Without revealing too many secrets, if you would name one thing that you do, while playing this deck, that makes you succeed, what would that be?
- I don’t think there are any secrets, just experience with the archetype. But at least in this tournament shutting my prey down real hard worked wonders saving a lot of time on the clock. Obviously that might not be the correct line all the time, because your grand prey will obviously have a flying start.
Another thing that an outside observer might not realize watching this deck perform, is how much it is about managing and sculpting your hand, which dictates the rhythm of your actions when playing the deck.

Łukasz (Friday constructed), Otso (EC 2019 champion) and Christophe (Limited).
What are your general thoughts about the current top level tournament environment, and the future of VTES tournament play?
- Well, with Black Chantry on the wheel the game is really thriving. Our local playgroup is livening up, old metuselahs are joining the Jyhad again and new neonates with unbelievable, admirable enthusiasm for the game are joining the fray. Metuselahs around the globe are also warring over the internet and the results really show – at least some of our local players are improving in leaps and bounds because of Lackey play.
When I attended my first EC in 2010, it was because we had received the news of discontinuation of the game. I wanted to go to EC at least once before the game inevitably fades away. Now, with ten EC attendances on my belt and countless great, fun-to-be-around, heartfelt friends scattered across Europe and even further, I have to say, I could not have been more wrong about the game at that point.
Apart from all the good things, I do also have some criticisms. Besides the mandatory scouting/spy network silliness during tournament play, I also feel that the Tournament Winning Deck Archive is somewhat oppressive on the global meta. TWDA is a great tool to learn the game, find ideas and claim your fifteen minutes of fame. But at the same time the TWDA decks from the last 6 months are represented a lot more in tournaments, which leads to self-perpetuating cycle of Stanislavas and what-nots (no offence, Martin Weinmayer!). I think we’d need also some other method of sharing ideas and decklists from tournaments that would complement TWDA, like sharing all the finalist decklists of tournaments in picture format, deck splayed out, as I heard someone suggest at the EC. There is still a lot of space to explore and experiment in V:tES. With that being said, I’m going back to the drawing board with my Nahum Enosh & Santaleous deck. Thanks for all the congratulations and I hope many of you can come to the EC in Helsinki next year to show us an alternative to our petty Finnish Politics!
Thanks for the interview Otso, and again: Congratulations champ!
This event got a bit lost in VEKN admin labyrinths, but we would of course like to congratulate Gilles Molina for the win! Details on results and the tournament winning deck can be found at the forum.
• Design Director Ben Peal was recently interviewed by Bindusara´s Jyhad Diary – recommended reading if you want to learn more about his VTES background and design philosophy.
• A new Vampire: The Eternal Struggle FAQ was published, to add to the Black Chantry FAQ.
• VTES celebrated 25 years, which Black Chantry brought attention to with this posting (including future plans), a personal comment from CEO Hugh Angseesing and of course the 25th Anniversary set. Note that the card changes in the set are legal for tournament play on September 15 2019.
• A rare meeting took place in Paris on the EC weekend: All five Black Chantry partners met in the flesh (image above: Ginés, Ben, Vincent, Hugh and Henrik). As they live in five different countries on two continents, this will probably not happen very often!
• Sadly, two card text mistakes had to be acknowledged this month: Murmur of the False Will in 25th Anniversary and Dabbler in Heirs to the Blood bundle 2. Both will be corrected in later printings.
• Round 2 of Fifth Edition playtesting has begun, coordinated by Darby Keeney. Some cards have been switched and some have been changed since round 1. Many thanks to everyone involved for your hard work with testing and writing valuable comments!
• Currently twelve Black Chantry products are available through and other stores:
- Lost Kindred bundle
- Keepers of Tradition Reprint Bundle 1
- Keepers of Tradition Reprint Bundle 2
- Heirs of the Blood Reprint Bundle 1
- Heirs of the Blood Reprint Bundle 2
- Den of Fiends Preconstructed Deck
- Libertine Ball Preconstructed Deck
- Pact with Nephandi Preconstructed Deck
- Parliament of Shadows Preconstructed Deck
- Anthology I bundle
- VTES Card Creator
- 25th Anniversary (Not on• Upcoming for September is First Blood, five 55-card preconstructed decks for introductory games of Vampire: The Eternal Struggle.
Do you have opinions or questions for Black Chantry? Start a topic on the VEKN forum, or contact the company by e-mail, Facebook or Twitter.
Lots of things are boiling around VTES "mothergame" Vampire: The Masquerade now, but we are most hyped about this new gameplay demo of Bloodlines 2:
• Demo with commentary by Hardsuit Labs Creative Director Ka'ai Cluney
Upcoming events:
September 6: Journey to Stockholm: Love Boat II - Baltic Sea, Finland to Sweden
September 7: Swedish championship - Stockholm, Sweden
September 7: September is here - Santiago, Chile
September 7: Pandemonium Games Constructed - Cape Town, South Africa
September 7: Paulistão - São Paulo, Brazil
September 7: Cryptic Hunting Ground 2019, Barcelona, Catalunya, Spain
September 8: VTES XL - Heath, USA
September 14: Black Forest Base: Ascension - Freiburg, Germany
September 14: Round 4 - Pest, Hungary
September 14: Silesia by Night - Gliwice, Poland
September 21: Fall of The Sabbat - Vila Velha, Brazil
September 21: VTES Granada Tournament - Granada, Spain
September 21: Anacronism Algeciras - Algeciras, Andalucía, Spain
September 21: Abomination - New Holland, USA
September 22: Powerbase Florence II - Florence, USA
September 28: Reing of Nergal - Rancagua, Chile
September 28: Catacombs: Zagreb, Croatia
September 28: Manse Politics - Tampere, Etelä-Suomen lääni, Finland
For more information on upcoming events see the V:EKN Event Calendar.
You can contact the V:EKN Inner Circle members using contact forms at Also follow the V:EKN Facebook group, the official V:TES Facebook page Vampire: The Eternal Struggle and the official V:EKN Twitter account @VEKN_VTES
"Knowledge is power."
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