exclamation-circle ANARCHS UNBOUND released!

17 Jan 2016 14:47 - 19 Jan 2016 23:29 #74945 by Damnans
Official release: January 17, 2016

Legal for Tournament Play: February 16, 2016

Vampire: Elder Kindred Network's fourth expansion for Vampire: the Eternal Struggle is Anarchs Unbound, which focuses on the rabble-rousing revolutionaries of the Anarch Movement - those Kindred who reject the Traditions of the Camarilla and stifling order of their elders. The expansion is released in PDF format.

The set contains 24 crypt cards and 18 library cards. The crypt cards span Groups 1 through 6.


Rulebook Clarifications:

  • [6.1.3 Equip] To equip with one or more equipment cards currently possessed by one of your other minions, tap the acting minion (the minion who is attempting to get the equipment cards) and announce the equipment cards he is getting. If the action is unsuccessful, the equipment cards remain where they are.
  • Strike: burn equipment: When declaring such strikes, choose which equipment on the opposing minion the strike will burn. [new term]
  • [6.1.2 Hunt] Note that a ready vampire with no blood must hunt (and cannot take any action except a hunt action).

Banned cards:

The following cards are banned from Tournament Play starting February 16, 2016.

  • Anthelios, The Red Star
  • Temptation of Greater Power
  • Seeds of Corruption



Before printing out the PDF files, make sure that Page Scaling is set to "None".


Appolonius (Advanced)Brujah
Salvador GarciaBrujah
Gengis (Advanced)Brujah
Marguerite Foccart (Advanced)Brujah
Jenna CrossCaitiff
Tori LongwoodCaitiff
Maldavis (Advanced)Caitiff
Zack North (Advanced)Gangrel
Danielle Diron (Advanced)Gangrel
Dancin' Dana (Advanced)Malkavian
Philip van Vermeer IVMalkavian
Sundown (Advanced)Nosferatu
The MedicNosferatu
Victor GerardToreador
Desiree Narayan, Anarch HistorianRavnos
Javier Montoya (Advanced)Tremere
Monica ChangTremere
Boss Callihan (Advanced)Ventrue
Louis Fortier (Advanced)Ventrue
AdhocracyAction Modifier
Carfax AbbeyMaster
Dust UpCombat
Eat the RichPolitical Action
Field TrainingAction
Guardian VigilReaction
Make the MisereAction
Memory RiftAction Modifier
Ni Dieu ni MaîtreAction Modifier
Propaganda of the DeedAction Modifier
Protection RacketReaction
The Red QuestionAction Modifier

:vtes: V:EKN Website Coordinator

:baal: :AUS: :DAI: :FOR: :OBF: :PRE: :MAL: :STR: :flight: :cap11:
Last edit: 19 Jan 2016 23:29 by Damnans.
The following user(s) said Thank You: Lönkka, D-dennis, Walt, Hakuron, self biased

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17 Jan 2016 15:12 #74946 by Hakuron
Replied by Hakuron on topic ANARCHS UNBOUND released!
Thanks to everybody! :woohoo:

It would be great, if Jussi updated the Secret Library fast and completely.

National Coordinator Germany
nc [dot] germany [at] magenta [dot] de

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17 Jan 2016 15:15 - 17 Jan 2016 15:16 #74947 by Blooded Sand
Thanks to all for their hard work on this set, looks fun

b]Banned cards:[/b]

The following cards are banned from Tournament Play starting February 16, 2016.

  • Anthelios, The Red Star
  • Temptation of Greater Power
  • Seeds of Corruption

Anthelios I can (maybe) understand, but could the reasoning behind these bannings please be explained, or could the relevant forum discussions that led to aforementioned bannings please be linked?

:assa: :flight: :QUI: :OBF: :POT: :FOR: :TEM: :DOM:
Last edit: 17 Jan 2016 15:16 by Blooded Sand.

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17 Jan 2016 15:18 #74948 by emime
Replied by emime on topic ANARCHS UNBOUND released!
...Seeds of Corruption?!? :S :S :S

Emiliano "Sans Terre" - Wandering Player - Prince of Brussels
The following user(s) said Thank You: Ashur

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17 Jan 2016 15:28 #74949 by Blooded Sand
Also, Ian Forestal has become a Malkavian. He is sitting in the corner, madly giggling to himself that he can now play the following for a retardedly strong effect:
Illegalism with Memory Rift and Ni Dieu Ni Maitre.
He then proceeds to bleed at 2 stealth, for 2, with one titled or younger vampire incapable of blocking, untaps at the end of the action if it is successful, may SC:E in the first round of combat, vampires must pay one blood to attempt to block him, the opposing minion cannot manuever in the resulting combat if they successfully block, and he gets +1str.

Yikes! I mean, I always thought he was a great example of Dracula, but this is just plain fucking insane..... :D

:assa: :flight: :QUI: :OBF: :POT: :FOR: :TEM: :DOM:

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17 Jan 2016 15:50 #74950 by Zombieking
new cards! :D

a massive thank you to everyone involved in putting this set together!

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