question-circle What would you like to see in a new expansion?

20 Sep 2011 12:37 #10623 by technobabble66
Imbued!! only kidding ;-)
Not super important, but for what it's worth Sabbat - they're lagging a bit behind.
Rip-off those lovely Fin's: "Sabbat Politics!!" as the sabbat seems to be a punchy sect of suckers

Negatory - improve/flesh-out existing ones:
Research area - currently the nearest black hole to Earth.
I would 2nd Disco-Stu's idea to limit the Villein-Giant's Blood combo. The "Primary" master phase concept could be perfect for this.
Generally i'd welcome the curtailing of Master-abusing decks.

I guess G5 & G6 Sabbat vamps. I'd be tempted to insert a few G6 Camarillas & Independent/Bloodlines also. Included in this should b a few Black Hands & Seraphs (BH is useless w/o enough Seraphs, namely you want at least 2 available to make a *good* deck)

Bahari - some penalizing cards are needed, but maybe include 1-2 nice cards for the B's
Red List/Trophy - some new Trophies would be nice, new ways to Red List minions, but also maybe some cards that benefit being the all-scary minion that just got Red Listed (ie: 1-2 cards w dual functions, 1 of which benefits a vamp that is Red Listed; to counter any tendency for lots of Trophy decks that may develop). It would be nice to see an alteration as to how Trophies are deployed - make them Trifles, play a card that allows them to be played as Trifles, etc. Currently you need to jam your master slots w Trophies, & this is *one* of the major disadvantages of the trophy concept.
More allies (NOT IMBUED!) - dont care who for. Werewolves would be preferred tho.
Generally a focus on aggression - (Sabbat) combat namely, but a few political cards for the Sabbat address the issue of almost any Sabbat vote deck is better if it was Camarilla.
Some boost to Seraph/Black hand tech would be nice
Would love to see the expansion of Sabbat titles - Inquisitor, Templar, etc
I kno zip abt WoD, so on reading the Wiki, there's all this stuff about Ductus (warleader of a pack?), etc. Why is there no mention of Ductus in our CCG?? Could there b a type of temporary Templar-like card called Ductus?

Definitely avoid diluting the disciplines - ie: not bounce for Potence, nor intercept for Presence etc

What are the options??
Proper printed cards would be preferred, but is this plausible?
If not, PDF's i guess

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20 Sep 2011 13:02 #10625 by alek
Just a short note.
Lots of people here point out that research area is practically not used and could be developed in future. IMO, while it's underdeveloped it should remain as such. There is already more than enough different areas in this game. It would be better if research area never appeared, but if it exist let's keep it as unused as it is.

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22 Sep 2011 07:01 #10774 by Bayou
Sabbat & G5,6 is obvious, following continuity, and then indies, etc.; as always.
But i like to see bloodlines G6 completed.

First expand existing mechanics and traits (Aye/Orun, Bahari, Research Area, Trophy, Corruption).

Theme is very important to attract future players from WoD fans.

Specifically i want to see 'Serpents of Light'(Sabbat Setites), there are only two in VTES and is a well-known group in the WoD (with several important characters: 'Sangris, exArchbishop of Montreal', 'Abbie Norberg, Regent Melinda Galbraith's Templar', etc.).
Kindred of the East stuff, because in the books have an important politic relation with vamps (specially in latter events).

:SER: *:abom: *:fose: *:visi: *:doca: *:laso: *:ahri: *

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22 Sep 2011 09:34 #10778 by Ashur

I'd prefer VERY small expansions.
Like 9-18 cards (an A4 sheet or two when talking about PDFs)

This way big mistakes with game balance would probably, if not totally, be skipped. Also future cards still on the pipeline could be easily adjusted based on the response the earlier miniscule expansion has gotten thus awoiding game balance roller coaster ride.

I totally agree with this! It is VERY important.

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23 Sep 2011 02:58 - 23 Sep 2011 02:59 #10825 by Sungazer
It is kind of new start, so I think basic style expansion is appropriate. As old WOD theme, some Technocracy themed cards or some old clan Tzimisce, maybe.

"new attributes (such as Trifle)" is OK. "new types of cards (such as Events)" is too much.

How about just declare group 6 vampires can be counted as group 1 (or 2, 3). Just an idea...

Good old boosters and starters is the best. IMO, starters are essential, to introduce vtes to new players. If the new expansion is only for old-already-players, vtes players will decrease and vtes eventually get true death.
Even if it's PDF style, some kind-of-starter which includes at least Blood Doll or alike, basic stealth and basic intercept, is required.
Last edit: 23 Sep 2011 02:59 by Sungazer.

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24 Sep 2011 04:53 #10892 by Kraus
Just quick notes of reference which have been growing in my mind:

Bahari was something that wasn't done too well. Maybe they thought that Anarch and Black Hand tags weren't strong enough or were too difficult to achieve - I really don't know. But the addition of Lilith's Blessing was just weird.

I'm not saying the card should be banned, but some sorts of restrictions wouldn't hurt.

So yeah:

Sabbat, obviously. :) Reinforcing the World of Darkness background would be pretty nice. In a nutshell, I'm very happy with the suggestions others have contributed.

Agreed with many others: no new mechanics, please. Some additions to some, though, of which Research Area and Bahari angle spring into mind. About the latter, I've got an opinion of my own, however.

Whereas Bahari should gain more profilic cards to play with, there also should be other means to go Bahari than Lilith's Blessing. There has already been some nice card suggestions on the forums. Also, as I honestly think that Bahari was a poor addition to the game as it is, I'd suggest that there is a drawback to the keyword, similar to Infernal.

What this might be, I don't know. This could be added to the Rulebook, under a new Keyword, like Anarch and Infernal and Red List were added during their times.

Just quick something that might give an idea:
Bahari get -1 Intercept.
Titled non-independent vampires cannot be Bahari. If they would become Bahari, they lose their titles.
Infernal minions gain +1 Intercept when a Bahari vampire is acting.

Firstly this is to reflect the unique nature of Bahari. Secondly it would discourage playing so abundant numbers of Lilith's Blessing + Villein combo. Thirdly Bahari wouldn't be such strong numbers of vampires anymore. I thought they were supposed to be a very minor number of all vampires, regarding the WoD background.

A long couple of paragraphs, but there's something to consider. :)

A couple of G5 Sabbat vampires, maybe an Advancement to fill in the Bahari or Research vacuum (Miller, Teacher of Bahari ADV to make him more anti-Bahari, and Lectora ADV for some research goodies?). Add a clan-spesific fun card or two, and I'm happy. :)

I'm probably not the first person to debate this. I'll be happy whatever comes our way. :)

Feel free to disagree. :) I'm fully aware that this is a problem for some, not for others. It's not 'necessary' by any means. However, I feel that it is an intersting take on something that is arguably an issue for many. At least something that should be considered.

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-Nalia De-Arnise

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